Website Information Architecture

Our Pro Tip: Information Architecture and Sitemap Planning


August 6, 2024
 min read
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Information architecture (IA) and sitemap planning are crucial steps in the process of designing and developing a website. By designing a clear and logical structure for your site, you can ensure that users can easily find the information they need and navigate through your pages with ease.

Additionally allowing both the user and company to achieve their goals on the site, where the user gets the solutions they need and the company gets the ICP they are looking for. In this article, we'll explore the steps involved in the IA and sitemap planning processes and why they're important for creating website that is functional, user-friendly and goal-oriented.

Conduct User Research & Analysis

The first step in creating a good and effective IA and sitemap is to understand your target audience through user research. This includes understanding their needs, preferences, and behaviour. This will help you to create a structure that is tailored to their needs, making it easier for them to find the information they are looking for, which in turn will inform the structure and organization of your website.

Tools we used:

  • SEMRush
  • Fullstory

Define your Goals and Objectives

Before you begin designing your sitemap, it's important to have a clear understanding of what your website is meant to achieve. Identifying the specific goals and objectives of your website will help you to prioritize the information and features that need to be included in the sitemap.

Tools we used:

  • Screaming Frog

Use a Hierarchical Structure

One of the key principles of IA is organizing information in a logical, hierarchical manner. This means grouping related information together and organising your content into categories and subcategories, with the most important information at the top and the least important at the bottom. This will help to make it easy for users to find what they are looking for.

  • Use clear and consistent labelling: Labeling is an important aspect of IA, as it helps users understand the relationships between different pieces of information. Use clear and descriptive labels that accurately reflect the content they represent, and be consistent in your labelling throughout the website.

Create the Sitemap

Once the information has been organized into a hierarchy, the sitemap can be designed. The sitemap is a visual representation of the website's structure and navigation, and should be simple and intuitive for users to understand. Additionally it should include all the main sections and pages of the website, along with their relationships to one another.

Tools we used:


Reduce steps needed for user to find the information

By involving more steps into the navigation flow for a user to find the information they are looking for it also means that more friction point and chance is given to a user to leave the site without reaching that information. To avoid that, here in Devhaus we follow the 3-click rule approach. We ensure all user navigation flow is kept within 3 steps by figuring out which information is highly important, less important, optional or can be combined and refined to a single step to eliminate unnecessary steps wherever possible.

Test and Iterate

Once you have a sitemap and IA plan in place, it's important to test it with users to ensure that it's effective. Use user testing and feedback to identify any issues and make changes as needed this can help to identify any issues and make further improvements, making the website easier to use and more effective.

In conclusion, Information Architecture and Sitemap Planning are crucial steps in the process of designing and developing a website. By understanding your audience through research, defining your website's goals, organizing information hierarchically, using clear and consistent labelling, and creating a simple navigation approach, you can ensure that your website is easy to navigate, user-friendly, and able to effectively convey the information it needs to.

What this article is about, in a nutshell.

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